
What Animals Went Extinct During The Triassic Period

Mass extinction ending the Triassic period

Extinction intensity.svg

Cambrian Ordovician Silurian Devonian Carboniferous Permian Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous Paleogene Neogene

Marine extinction intensity during the Phanerozoic

Millions of years ago

Extinction intensity.svg

Cambrian Ordovician Silurian Devonian Carboniferous Permian Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous Paleogene Neogene

The blue graph shows the apparent percentage (not the absolute number) of marine animal genera becoming extinct during whatever given fourth dimension interval. It does not represent all marine species, simply those that are readily fossilized. The labels of the traditional "Big Five" extinction events and the more recently recognised Capitanian mass extinction event are clickable links; see Extinction effect for more details. (source and image info)

The Triassic–Jurassic (Tr-J) extinction event, sometimes called the end-Triassic extinction, marks the purlieus between the Triassic and Jurassic periods, 201.iii one thousand thousand years ago,[1] and is 1 of the major extinction events of the Phanerozoic eon, greatly affecting life on land and in the oceans. In the seas, the entire class of conodonts[2] and 23–34% of marine genera disappeared.[iii] [4] On country, all archosauromorphs other than crocodylomorphs, pterosaurs, and dinosaurs went extinct; some of the groups which died out were previously abundant, such as aetosaurs, phytosaurs, and rauisuchids. Some remaining non-mammalian therapsids and many of the large temnospondyl amphibians had gone extinct prior to the Jurassic too. Yet, there is still much uncertainty regarding a connection between the Tr-J boundary and terrestrial vertebrates, due to a paucity of terrestrial fossils from the Rhaetian (latest) stage of the Triassic.[5] What was left fairly untouched were plants, dinosaurs, pterosaurs and mammals; this allowed the dinosaurs and pterosaurs to become the dominant land animals for the next 135 one thousand thousand years.

Statistical analysis of marine losses at this time suggests that the decrease in diversity was caused more by a decrease in speciation than by an increase in extinctions.[6] Nevertheless, a pronounced turnover in plant spores and a collapse of coral reef communities indicates that an ecological catastrophe did occur at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary. Older hypotheses on extinction have proposed that gradual climate or sea level change may exist the culprit,[7] or perhaps ane or more asteroid strikes.[viii] [9] Still, the virtually well-supported and widely-held theory for the cause of the Tr-J extinction places the blame on the start of volcanic eruptions in the Cardinal Atlantic Magmatic Province (Campsite). The Camp is the geographically largest known large igneous province, and was responsible for outputting a high amount of carbon dioxide to induce profound global warming and ocean acidification.[10] [11]

Effects [edit]

This event vacated terrestrial ecological niches, assuasive the dinosaurs to assume the ascendant roles in the Jurassic period. This issue happened in less than x,000 years and occurred but earlier Pangaea started to pause apart. In the area of Tübingen (Germany), a Triassic–Jurassic bonebed tin be found, which is characteristic for this boundary.[12]

The extinction effect marks a floral turnover also. Near threescore% of the diverse monosaccate and bisaccate pollen assemblages disappear at the Tr–J boundary, indicating a major extinction of plant genera. Early on Jurassic pollen assemblages are dominated by Corollina, a new genus that took advantage of the empty niches left past the extinction.[13]

Marine invertebrates [edit]

Ammonites were impacted substantially by the Triassic-Jurassic extinction. Ceratitidans, the most prominent group of ammonites in the Triassic, went extinct at the end of the Rhaetian after having their diverseness reduced significantly in the Norian. Other ammonite groups such as the Ammonitina, Lytoceratina, and Phylloceratina diversified from the Early Jurassic onward. Bivalves experienced high extinction rates at the early and middle Rhaetian. Plankton and gastropod diversity was barely afflicted at the T-J boundary, although there may have been local extinctions in radiolarians. Brachiopods slowly declined in diversity during the tardily Triassic before re-diversifying in the Early Jurassic. Conulariids seemingly completely died out at the stop of the Triassic.[5] There is expert evidence for a plummet in the reef customs, as corals practically disappeared from the Tethys Ocean at the end of the Triassic and would not return to their previous abundance until the belatedly Sinemurian (the 2d of xi Jurassic stages). This reef plummet was probable driven by sea acidification resulting from CO2 supplied to the atmosphere by the Military camp eruptions.[xiv] [15] [16]

Marine vertebrates [edit]

Conodonts were a major vertebrate grouping which died out at the end of the Triassic

Fish did not suffer a mass extinction at the cease of the Triassic. The belatedly Triassic in general did experience a gradual driblet in actinopterygiian diversity after an evolutionary explosion in the middle Triassic. Though this may accept been due to falling sea levels or the Carnian pluvial effect, it may instead exist a result of sampling bias considering that middle Triassic fish have been more than extensively studied than late Triassic fish.[17] Despite the credible drop in variety, neopterygiians (which include almost modern bony fish) suffered less than more "primitive" actinopterygiians, indicating a biological turnover where modern groups of fish started to supplant earlier groups.[5] Conodonts, which were prominent index fossils throughout the Paleozoic and Triassic, finally went extinct at the T-J boundary following failing variety.[five]

Like fish, marine reptiles experienced a substantial drib in variety between the center Triassic and the Jurassic. Notwithstanding, their extinction charge per unit at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary was non elevated. The highest extinction rates experienced past Mesozoic marine reptiles actually occurred at the end of the Ladinian phase, which corresponds to the end of the middle Triassic. The merely marine reptile families which went extinct at or slightly before the Triassic–Jurassic boundary were the placochelyids (the last family of placodonts), and giant ichthyosaurs such as shastasaurids and shonisaurids.[18] Nevertheless, some authors accept argued that the stop of the Triassic acted as a genetic "bottleneck" for ichthyosaurs, which never regained the level of anatomical diversity and disparity which they possessed during the Triassic.[19]

Terrestrial vertebrates [edit]

Capitosaurs (such as this Mastodonsaurus) were among the major amphibian groups which went extinct at the T-J purlieus, though many may take died out earlier.

I of the earliest pieces of evidence for a late Triassic extinction was a major turnover in terrestrial tetrapods such every bit amphibians, reptiles, and synapsids. Edwin H. Colbert drew parallels between the system of extinction and adaptation between the Triassic–Jurassic and Cretaceous-Paleogene boundaries. He recognized how dinosaurs, lepidosaurs (lizards and their relatives), and crocodyliforms (crocodilians and their relatives) filled the niches of more aboriginal groups of amphibians and reptiles which were extinct by the start of the Jurassic.[vii] Olsen (1987) estimated that 42% of all terrestrial tetrapods went extinct at the end of the Triassic, based on his studies of faunal changes in the Newark Supergroup of eastern N America.[8] More modern studies accept debated whether the turnover in Triassic tetrapods was precipitous at the stop of the Triassic, or instead more gradual.[five]

During the Triassic, amphibians were mainly represented by big, crocodile-like members of the order Temnospondyli. Although the primeval lissamphibians (modernistic amphibians like frogs and salamanders) did appear during the Triassic, they would become more than mutual in the Jurassic while the temnospondyls diminished in diversity past the Triassic–Jurassic purlieus.[eight] Although the turn down of temnospondyls did send shockwaves through freshwater ecosystems, it was probably non as abrupt as some authors have suggested. Brachyopoids, for example, survived until the Cretaceous according to new discoveries in the 1990s. Several temnospondyl groups did become extinct near the end of the Triassic despite before abundance, but it is uncertain how close their extinctions were to the finish of the Triassic. The last known metoposaurids ("Apachesaurus") were from the Redonda Formation, which may accept been early Rhaetian or tardily Norian. Gerrothorax, the last known plagiosaurid, has been found in rocks which are probably (simply not certainly) Rhaetian, while a capitosaur humerus was found in Rhaetian-historic period deposits in 2018. Therefore, plagiosaurids and capitosaurs were likely victims of an extinction at the very end of the Triassic, while most other temnospondyls were already extinct.[20]

Reptile extinction at the end of the Triassic is poorly understood, just phytosaurs (such as this Redondasaurus) went from abundant to extinct by the end of the Rhaetian.

Terrestrial reptile faunas were dominated past archosauromorphs during the Triassic, especially phytosaurs and members of Pseudosuchia (the reptile lineage which leads to mod crocodilians). In the early Jurassic and onwards, dinosaurs and pterosaurs became the nearly common land reptiles, while pocket-size reptiles were more often than not represented past lepidosauromorphs (such as lizards and tuatara relatives). Among pseudosuchians, simply small crocodylomorphs did not become extinct by the end of the Triassic, with both dominant herbivorous subgroups (such equally aetosaurs) and carnivorous ones (rauisuchids) having died out.[8] Phytosaurs, drepanosaurs, trilophosaurids, tanystropheids, and procolophonids, which were other common reptiles in the late Triassic, had also go extinct by the offset of the Jurassic. However, pinpointing the extinction of these different land reptile groups is hard, as the last stage of the Triassic (the Rhaetian) and the first stage of the Jurassic (the Hettangian) each have few records of large land animals. Some paleontologists have considered only phytosaurs and procolophonids to have gone extinct at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary, with other groups having gone extinct earlier.[5] However, it is probable that many other groups survived up until the boundary according to British crevice deposits from the Rhaetian. Aetosaurs, kuehneosaurids, drepanosaurs, thecodontosaurids, "saltoposuchids" (like Terrestrisuchus), trilophosaurids, and various not-crocodylomorph pseudosuchians[21] [22] are all examples of Rhaetian reptiles which may have gone extinct at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary.[23]

Possible causes [edit]

Gradual processes [edit]

Gradual climatic change, body of water-level fluctuations, or a pulse of oceanic acidification[24] during the late Triassic may have reached a tipping betoken. However, the effect of such processes on Triassic animal and plant groups is not well understood.

The extinctions at the end of the Triassic were initially attributed to gradually irresolute environments. Within his 1958 study recognizing biological turnover between the Triassic and Jurassic, Edwin H. Colbert'due south 1958 proposal was that this extinction was a event of geological processes decreasing the variety of land biomes. He considered the Triassic period to exist an era of the world experiencing a diverseness of environments, from towering highlands to barren deserts to tropical marshes. On the other hand, the Jurassic catamenia was much more than compatible both in climate and elevation due to excursions past shallow seas.[7]

After studies noted a articulate trend towards increased aridification towards the end of the Triassic. Although loftier-latitude areas similar Greenland and Australia really became wetter, most of the world experienced more drastic changes in climate as indicated by geological evidence. This evidence includes an increment in carbonate and evaporite deposits (which are most abundant in dry climates) and a subtract in coal deposits (which primarily form in humid environments such every bit coal forests).[5] In add-on, the climate may have get much more seasonal, with long droughts interrupted by severe monsoons.[25]

Geological formations in Europe seem to indicate a drop in body of water levels in the belatedly Triassic, and so a rise in the early Jurassic. Although falling sea levels accept sometimes been considered a culprit for marine extinctions, testify is inconclusive since many body of water level drops in geological history are non correlated with increased extinctions. However, at that place is still some evidence that marine life was affected by secondary processes related to falling sea levels, such as decreased oxygenation (acquired by sluggish circulation), or increased acidification. These processes do not seem to take been worldwide, just they may explicate local extinctions in European marine fauna.[5]


The Manicouagan reservoir in Quebec, a massive crater formed by a Late Triassic bear upon. Radiometric dating has determined that information technology is about thirteen million years older than the Triassic–Jurassic boundary, and thus an unlikely candidate for a mass extinction.

Some[ who? ] have hypothesized that an impact from an asteroid or comet may have acquired the Triassic–Jurassic extinction, similar to the extraterrestrial object which was the main cistron in the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction well-nigh 66 million years ago, as evidenced by the Chicxulub crater in Mexico. Yet, then far no impact crater of sufficient size has been dated to precisely coincide with the Triassic–Jurassic purlieus.

Even so, the tardily Triassic did experience several impacts, including the 2nd-largest confirmed touch on in the Mesozoic. The Manicouagan Reservoir in Quebec is one of the nearly visible large impact craters on World, and at 100 km (62 mi) in diameter it is tied with the Eocene Popigai crater in Siberia every bit the fourth-largest impact crater on Globe. Olsen et al. (1987) were the first scientists to link the Manicouagan crater to the Triassic–Jurassic extinction, citing its age which at the time was roughly considered to be belatedly Triassic.[8] More precise radiometric dating by Hodych & Dunning (1992) has shown that the Manicouagan impact occurred about 214 million years agone, about 13 million years before the Triassic–Jurassic purlieus. Therefore, it could not take been responsible for an extinction precisely at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary.[26] Nonetheless, the Manicouagan impact did have a widespread effect on the planet; a 214-million-year-old ejecta blanket of shocked quartz has been found in rock layers as far abroad as England[27] and Japan. There is still a possibility that the Manicouagan impact was responsible for a small extinction midway through the tardily Triassic at the Carnian–Norian boundary,[26] although the disputed historic period of this boundary (and whether an extinction really occurred in the starting time place) makes it difficult to correlate the impact with extinction.[27] Onoue et al. (2016) alternatively proposed that the Manicouagan impact was responsible for a marine extinction in the centre of the Norian which impacted radiolarians, sponges, conodonts, and Triassic ammonoids. Thus, the Manicouagan impact may take been partially responsible for the gradual decline in the latter two groups which culminated in their extinction at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary.[28] The purlieus between the Adamanian and Revueltian land vertebrate faunal zones, which involved extinctions and faunal changes in tetrapods and plants, was maybe too caused by the Manicouagan impact, although discrepancies between magnetochronological and isotopic dating atomic number 82 to some uncertainty.[29]

Other Triassic craters are closer to the Triassic–Jurassic boundary simply as well much smaller than the Manicouagan reservoir. The eroded Rochechouart crater in France has most recently been dated to 201±2 meg years ago,[30] but at 25 km (16 mi) across (possibly up to fifty km (30 mi) across originally), it appears to be besides small to have affected the ecosystem.[31] Other putative or confirmed Triassic craters include the 80 km (50 mi) wide Puchezh-Katunki crater in Eastern Russia (though it may exist Jurassic in historic period), the 40 km (25 mi) wide Saint Martin crater in Manitoba, the fifteen km (nine mi) wide Obolon' crater in Ukraine, and the 9 km (6 mi) wide Red Wing Creek structure in North Dakota. Spray et al. (1998) noted an interesting phenomenon, that beingness how the Manicouagan, Rochechouart, and Saint Martin craters all seem to be at the same latitude, and that the Obolon' and Red Fly craters form parallel arcs with the Rochechouart and Saint Martin craters, respectively. Spray and his colleagues hypothesized that the Triassic experienced a "multiple bear on event", a large fragmented asteroid or comet which broke upward and impacted the earth in several places at the same time.[9] Such an impact has been observed in the present day, when Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 bankrupt upward and striking Jupiter in 1992. However, the "multiple touch event" hypothesis for Triassic touch on craters has non been well-supported; Kent (1998) noted that the Manicouagan and Rochechouart craters were formed in eras of unlike magnetic polarity,[32] and radiometric dating of the individual craters has shown that the impacts occurred millions of years apart.[v]

Volcanic eruptions [edit]

Maximum extent of Military camp volcanism at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary

Massive volcanic eruptions, specifically the flood basalts of the Primal Atlantic Magmatic Province (Military camp), would release carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide and aerosols, which would cause either intense global warming (from the sometime) or cooling (from the latter).[33] [11] In addition to these climatic effects, oceanic uptake of volcanogenic carbon and sulphur dioxide would accept led to a significant subtract of seawater pH known equally ocean acidification, which is discussed every bit a relevant driver of marine extinction.[34] [35] [36] Evidence for ocean acidification as an extinction machinery comes from the preferential extinction of marine organisms with thick aragonitic skeletons and piffling biotic control of biocalcification (e.g., corals, hypercalcifying sponges).[35] Global pause of carbonate deposition at the Triassic-Jurassic purlieus has been cited as additional evidence for catastrophic ocean acidification.[34] The tape of CAMP degassing shows several distinct pulses of carbon dioxide immediately following each major pulse of magmatism, at least ii of which amount to a doubling of atmospheric COii.[37]

The isotopic limerick of fossil soils of the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic has been tied to a large negative carbon isotope excursion (Whiteside et al. 2010). Carbon isotopes of lipids (n-alkanes) derived from leaf wax and lignin, and full organic carbon from ii sections of lake sediments interbedded with the CAMP in eastern Due north America have shown carbon isotope excursions similar to those found in the by and large marine St. Audrie's Bay department, Somerset, England; the correlation suggests that the end-Triassic extinction event began at the aforementioned time in marine and terrestrial environments, slightly before the oldest basalts in eastern North America but simultaneous with the eruption of the oldest flows in Morocco (As well suggested by Deenen et al., 2010), with both a critical CO2 greenhouse and a marine biocalcification crisis.

Contemporaneous CAMP eruptions, mass extinction, and the carbon isotopic excursions are shown in the same places, making the case for a volcanic cause of a mass extinction. The catastrophic dissociation of gas hydrates (suggested equally one possible cause of the largest mass extinction of all time, the and so-chosen "Great Dying" at the end of the Permian Period) may accept exacerbated greenhouse conditions.

Some scientists initially rejected the volcanic eruption theory, considering the Newark Supergroup, a section of rock in eastern North America that records the Triassic–Jurassic boundary, contains no ash-autumn horizons and its oldest basalt flows were estimated to lie effectually x g above the transition zone.[38] However, updated dating protocol and wider sampling has confirmed that the Camp eruptions started in Nova Scotia and Morocco just a few 1000 years before the extinction, and continued in several more pulses for the next 600,000 years.[eleven]

References [edit]

  1. ^ Some sources (Whiteside et al 2010) give a date 181.8268 Ma.
  2. ^ "The extinction of conodonts — in terms of discrete elements — at the Triassic–Jurassic purlieus" (PDF).
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Literature [edit]

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  • Whiteside, Jessica H.; Paul E. Olsen; Timothy Eglinton; Michael E. Brookfield; Raymond N. Sambrotto (March 22, 2010). "Compound-specific carbon isotopes from Earth's largest flood basalt eruptions directly linked to the end-Triassic mass extinction". PNAS. 107 (15): 6721–5. Bibcode:2010PNAS..107.6721W. doi:10.1073/pnas.1001706107. PMC2872409. PMID 20308590.
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  • Hautmann, M. (2012). "Extinction: Terminate-Triassic Mass Extinction". eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. doi:10.1002/9780470015902.a0001655.pub3. ISBN978-0470016176.
  • Tetsuji Onoue; Honami Sato; Daisuke Yamashita; Minoru Ikehara; Kazutaka Yasukawa; Koichiro Fujinaga; Yasuhiro Kato; Atsushi Matsuoka (2016-07-08). "Bolide touch triggered the Late Triassic extinction upshot in equatorial Panthalassa". Scientific Reports. 6: 29609. Bibcode:2016NatSR...629609O. doi:10.1038/srep29609. PMC4937377. PMID 27387863.

External links [edit]

  • Theories on the Triassic–Jurassic Extinction
  • The Triassic–Jurassic Mass Extinction
  • 200 million twelvemonth sometime mystery BBC News story, 12-Oct-2011


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